Spanish debt: they had not attended the Treasury auctions for six months The large international investment funds once again trust Spain. Firms such as Blackrock, Federated Investors and Prudential Investments have returned to the Spanish debt market after six months. In all this time, they had not attended the Treasury auctions. Sovereign investment funds look at Spain and are interested in the industrial, real estate, petrochemical and infrastructure sectors The most talked about by investment fund executives in their last meeting at the Stock Market: competition with Italy for disbursements, war to attract deposits and the National Financial Education Strategy Medium-sized banks have sent a letter to the CNMV to 'shield' them against short-selling speculators.
Large investment funds are profiting and have caused them to lose 50% on the stock market The Minister of Economy, Luis de Guindos, assured a week ago in Tokyo that "the atmosphere is much greater optimism regarding Spain " than before the summer and that "right now there is interest in Spanish public debt. De Guindos explained Middle East Mobile Number List that the atmosphere that has been felt recently “both within the International Monetary Fund (IMF) ” and among private analysts is “much more positive than a few months ago,” and that the Spanish Treasury compares this with the origin of purchase orders . Well then. As El Confidencial Digital has learned from government sources, the managers of these large funds (Blackrock, Federated Investors, Prudential Investments and Wells Fargo Advantage Funds) are slowly buying back Spanish bonds , which are theoretically giving a return of between 3 and 6% , thus providing better returns to investors.

The imminence of the bailout for Spain and the possibility that the European Council will end up agreeing that Europe speaks with a single voice are causing a relaxation of the markets that especially benefits Spain . The sources consulted by ECD also explain that these funds have assessed that the risk that Spanish debt will have market access problems will be considerably reduced by the willingness of the European Central Bank (ECB) to buy Spanish bonds to contain its volatility. Success of the last auction Yesterday the Treasury placed 4.6 billion euros in bonds and obligations for three, four and 10 years, which shows a certain greater confidence in the country. In addition, it managed to finance itself at the lowest cost since April , therefore just six months ago. The placement was greater than expected (4.5 billion) and the demand has exceeded the volume finally awarded by 2.6 times .